Summer Smith
Reiki - AromaTouch - Healing Sessions

What is Reiki?
Fundamentally speaking, Reiki is the transference of healing energy. With the practitioner as a conduit, a high-frequency, intelligent form of energy is transferred into the energy field of the subject for the purpose of balancing and "rebooting", if you will, the subject's energy field toward optimum functioning.
Much has been written in metaphysical literature about the human energy field, or the "aura", comprised of seven separate and distinct fields each operating at different frequencies. Throughout antiquity these energy fields have been referred to as "chakras"; and ,since ancient times, the health of each one has been tied to the health of the body's main organ system.
Ancient wisdom counseled that we do not just "get sick" in our body out of the blue. Instead, we get sick in the energy body (the chakras) first, THEN illness manifests in the physical body.
As a lifetime student of metaphysics, I have researched this idea extensively and I am one among many metaphysicians today that are totally convinced this is the case. Therefore, I will go on record to add this caveat to reiki's healing qualities: Although it cannot be categorically proven, I am convinced that in addition to the aforementioned benefits, Reiki is very effective PREVENTATIVE medicine.
Reiki Therapy costs $85.00 per session.
To schedule an appointment, please call Summer Smith
AromaTouch Therapy
Applying the oils with the AromaTouch technique has been shown to help enhance systemic benefits and increase feelings of overall health and well-being. The AromaTouch Technique uses 8 CPTG (Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade) essential oils to reduce and eliminate the impact of systemic constants on our overall health.
How AromaTouch Can Help You
Environmental factors can have a negative impact on overall health and well-being, disturbing homeostasis-the balance our bodies need to function optimally. Such challenges, even when they do not immediately result in disease, cause our bodies to function below optimal levels. These include the following:
Stress: Emotional distress, career choices, family discord, financial worries, and the like elevate stress levels. Clinical studies have linked high stress and chronic stress to numerous negative health conditions.
Balance, doTERRA's grounding blend, creates a sense of calm and well-being. It can aid in harmonizing the various physiological systems of the body and promote tranquility and a sense of balance. Lavender essential oil has been used for thousands of years for its calming and sedative powers. Toxic Insult: Exposure to a wide array of toxic insults, including disease-causing pathogens; hormone and pesticide contaminated food products; and increasing levels of free-radicals from pollution, foods, and cleaners, contributes to rises in the occurrence of varying illnesses.
Melaleuca essential oil, most commonly known as "tea tree," is best known for its purifying properties. On Guard is doTerra's proprietary blend of oils that are known for their positive effects on the immune system. The blend provides cleansing and purifying benefits while promoting healthy circulation.
Inflammation: The increased consumption of food with pro-inflammatory components (foods high in polyunsaturated vegetable oils such as safflower, sunflower, corn and peanut oil) together with high- carbohydrate, low-protein diets, contribute to increased inflammation in body systems. Stress, with its accompanying imbalance of cortisol, can also contribute to inflammation, as do various (and increasingly prevalent) immunological dysfunctions. Studies increasingly show links between fatal diseases and inflammation.
AromaTouch, doTerra's proprietary massage blend, combines the therapeutic benefits of oils that are known to relax muscles, clam tension, soothe tissues, increase circulation and smooth and tone. Deep Blue is doTerra's soothing blend for sore muscles and joints. The oils work together to soothe and relax muscles and ease achy joints. Its effects are deep and penetrating with sustained results.
Autonomic Imbalance: The opposite of homeostasis, an imbalance of the autonomic nervous system (aka the ANS or visceral nervous system) can negatively impact health in a number of ways. Restoring the body's homeostasis can reduce the physiological impact of stressors on the body. Wild Orange essential oil has an aroma that is uplifting to both the body and the mind. Peppermint essential oil has invigorating and uplifting properties.
AromaTouch Therapy costs $50 per session.

Healing Session:
Experience the benefits of combining our infrared sauna, AromaTouch therapy, and a Reiki session. Treat yourself to 1 1/2 hours of relaxation and healing with Summer.
Wellness Treatment costs $125.00 per session.
Call or Text: 903-802-8599